The National Competitiveness and Productivity Council
We analyse developments and policies in the field of productivity and competitiveness in Ireland
About usIreland's Competitiveness Challenge 2024
The Council’s annual report sets out the range of key challenges facing Ireland’s economy, particularly over the medium to long-term. This year, the Council places a clear emphasis on addressing those challenges that come within domestic control, in a sequenced and strategic way, including but not limited to, addressing the costs of doing business, managing current population pressures and planning for future population growth, and giving urgent attention to ensuring that the infrastructure which underpins our public utilities is sufficient to supply both firms and households with critical energy, water, and waste-water services.
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NCPC Competitiveness and Productivity Framework
As concepts, competitiveness and productivity overlap and interlink in a variety of ways, and this framework speaks to the strong intersection of both. Productivity and competitiveness are depicted as two mutually-reinforcing concepts. The arrows in the inner circle visually capture this interconnected relationship. These two concepts overlap and interlink with each other through the drivers that determine them in achieving the overarching goal of sustainable growth and wellbeing. The main drivers included in the NCPC's framework are Business Environment, Macroeconomic Sustainability, International Environment, Technology and Innovation, Education and Skills, and Infrastructure.
Read More about the Framework