About Us

In 1997, the Government established the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council (then known as the National Competitiveness Council) as part of the Partnership 2000 Agreement.

Council members are appointed by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment. The current membership includes:

  • Representatives of the employer and trade union social partnership pillars
  • People with relevant expertise in productivity and competitiveness
  • A representative of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
  • Additionally, representatives from various Government Departments attend Council meetings in an advisory capacity.

The Council reports to the Taoiseach and the Government, through the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment on key competitiveness issues facing the Irish economy and offers recommendations on policy actions required to enhance Ireland’s competitive position.

In 2018, in accordance with the European Council recommendation on the establishment of National Productivity Boards in euro area countries, the Government designated the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council as the body responsible for analysing developments and policies in the field of productivity and competitiveness in Ireland.

The Enterprise Strategy, Competitiveness and Evaluation Division of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment provides the Council with research and secretariat support.