Luiz de Mello

Luiz de Mello is Director of Country Studies at the Department of Economics of the OECD.

Prior to his current position he held senior posts at the OECD, including Deputy Director of the Public Governance Directorate, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Secretary General of the OECD, and Economic Counselor to the Chief Economist. He was formerly a Senior Economist at the Fiscal Affairs Department of the International Monetary Fund and a Lecturer at the Economics Department of the University of Kent, United Kingdom.

His policy research interests are in the areas of public finances, economic growth and competitiveness. His research has been published in the Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Regional Studies, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Public Finance Review and Public Budgeting and Finance, among other journals.

He holds a Ph.D in economics from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.